The StarFields Network

Welcome to The StarFields Network

🥇 Congratulations Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu!

Congratulations and thanks to Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu for being the GoE's top trainer last month! Also thanks to our runners up Ouedraogo Adams Billy and Ber Collins.

GoE Townhall Meet Up LIVE - News 🌟 Views 🌟 ENERGY! - One Month to go!

The Next GoE Meet Up Live Starts In... We are delighted to announce The online GoE Members Live Stream!  Silvia, Alex, Zoe and invited guests will go Live to talk all things Modern Energy. Bringing you all the GoE News for the coming month, taking you though some wonderful Energy exercises and talking about the hottest topics with invited guests. Watchers will be able to ask questions and get involved on our message board in real time. Have you got a Star Story to tell? We're looking for passionate and excited guests to join the live stream, so if you've got something you wish to share with other energists let us know! Please do make a note in your diary for the next Live Stream at 11am (UK Time) to join us LIVE! 📺 How To Watch Live Stream We will send you a link for you to watch on the day You can also find this link in your GoE Inbox 📺 How To Watch Replays Replays will be available afterwards in the GoE Library We are all very much looking forward to seeing you all there. P.S Please note valid GoE Membership is required to view and participate, if you need to renew please head to our Renewals page.

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation Course Review by Shiehaam Kamaldien

Shiehaam Kamaldien writes: "The Modern Eerngy Tapping Foundation training is life changing and nothing but amazing."

EMO Master Practitioner with Kim Bradley - 28 Feb 2025 - 2 Mar 2025

New online training date announced: EMO Master Practitioner with Kim Bradley - 28 Feb 2025 - 2 Mar 2025

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation Course Review by Joel Bahati

Joel Bahati writes: "It's been a game-changer for me. This powerful technique has helped me tap into my inner strength and resilience, allowing me to better cope with the stresses of refugee life."

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Ouedraogo Adams Billy

Congratulations to Joel Bahati, Angelina Birch, Shiehaam Kamaldien, Zainab Kamaldien, Welma Vally Kekana & Wendy Kouadio! Their trainer writes: "IGNITING MINDS TRAINING ACADEMY: A Dream Realized! I'm thrilled to have presented our inaugural Modern Energy Tapping Foundation training, marking the beginning of a new era in emotional wellbeing. The interactive event was a resounding success, with attendees experiencing over 10 life-changing moments. As South Africa navigates its unique challenges, modern energy techniques are more crucial than ever. My long-held dream of cultivating more energists in Africa is finally taking shape, with 5 out of 6 attendees hailing from the continent. Our mission at Igniting Minds, a..." Read the report from the online Modern Energy Tapping Foundation training with Ouedraogo Adams Billy, 18 Jan 2025 - 19 Jan 2025. Click through to find out about this event and also to contact the organiser about future events.

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation Course Review by Zainab Kamaldien

Zainab Kamaldien writes: "I've had an amazing foundation training experience with my Energy trainer, Ouedraogo Billy Adams. The training gave me a different perspective about healing myself."

You loves you. A #starmatrix #inspirationalstory #healingstory by @SilviaHartmann

Star Matrix is the Way! 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses

They just cannot see the solution! EMO Book: #emotions , #energy , #information & #love

STILL confused about emotions??? Read this. !!!! ======================= 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses

Three Stars With Sandra Hillawi #starmatrix

@sandrahillawi shares her experience with how three Star Events and their collective inspiration helped her regain a better state of emotional health & wellbeing. Star Matrix is the way! :-) ======================= 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses

Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu - 8 Mar 2025

New online training date announced: Modern Energy Tapping Professional with Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu - 8 Mar 2025

Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu - 1 Mar 2025

New online training date announced: Modern Energy Tapping Foundation with Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu - 1 Mar 2025

A Thought About Politics

======================= 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses

GoE Modern Enerji Eğitmeni - One Hundred Days to go!

GoE Modern Enerji Eğitmeni *2 Günlük Kurs* 19 ve 20 Nisan 2025 Bu odaklanmış ve yüksek enerjili 2 GÜNLÜK eğitmenler Kursu'nu bir kez daha sunmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. İlk gün GoE'nin YEPYENİ Pozitif Enerji Kursu'nu öğrenmeye odaklanacak. Bu kursun ayrıntılarını ve ayrıca nasıl öğreteceğinizi öğreneceksiniz. İkinci gün size bir GoE Modern Enerji Eğitmeni olarak işinizi nasıl yürüteceğiniz ve başlatacağınız konusunda eğitim verecek. 2 gün, sizi bir GoE Eğitmeni olarak ilk adımlarınıza hazırlamayı ve ilk Pozitif Enerji Gününüzü yürütmeyi amaçlamaktadır. 1. Gün - Pozitif Enerji Kursu ve nasıl öğretileceği. 2. Gün - Modern Enerji Eğitmeni nasıl olunur ve Modern Enerji kursları nasıl yürütülür. 2 gün tamamlandığında, Pozitif Enerji Kursu'nu öğretme lisansına sahip bir GoE Enerji Eğitmeni olarak sertifikalandırılacaksınız. Daha önce Profesyonel Seviye GoE yeterlilikleriniz varsa, bu kursları öğretme lisansına da sahip olacaksınız. Pozitif Enerji Kursu GoE Pozitif Enerji Kursu, Modern Enerji'nin yaratıcısı ve The Guild of Energists'in kurucusu Silvia Hartmann'ın son çalışmalarına dayanmaktadır. Bu kursta siz ve gelecekteki öğrencileriniz şunları öğreneceksiniz: ✔ EMO Energy in Motion ile duygusal stresi ve tıkanıklıkları serbest bırakın, enerji ve duygularla çalışmanın nazik ve doğal bir yolu. ✔ Enerji noktalarına dokunmayı olumlu teyitlerle birleştiren basit ve etkili bir teknik olan Pozitif Enerji Vuruşları ile enerjinizi ve ruh halinizi artırın. ✔ Enerji zihninize bağlanmanızı sağlayan gelişmiş farkındalık ve sezgi hali olan SuperMind ile içsel bilgeliğinize ve yaratıcılığınıza erişin. ✔ Geçmişinizi iyileştirmenize ve geleceğinizi yaratmanıza yardımcı olan devrim niteliğinde bir yöntem olan Star Matrix ile kişisel geçmişinizi ve gelecekteki potansiyelinizi keşfedin. Kursun sonunda, müşterileriniz enerji, mutluluk ve refahı iyileştirmek için her zaman ve her yerde kullanabilecekleri bir beceri setine sahip olacaklar. Ayrıca The Guild of Energists'ten bir tamamlama sertifikası alabilir ve öğrencilerinize verebilirsiniz. Kurs Sayfası: İleri Eğitim Bir GoE Modern Enerji Eğitmeni olarak, kendiniz tamamladığınız tüm GoE kurslarını öğretebilirsiniz. Bu, hem GoE Eğitmeni olmadan önce hem de sonrasında geçerlidir. Türkiye'de, size ileri eğitim sunmaktan ve müşterilerinize satabileceğiniz GoE kurslarının miktarını artırmanızdan mutluluk duyacak harika bir GoE Eğitmenleri ağımız var. Kurs Öğretmeni Bu 2 günlük eğitmen kursu, inanılmaz derecede deneyimli Eğitmenler Eğitmeni Sandra Hillawi tarafından Türkçe çevirilerle verilmektedir. Enerji Eğitmeni Sandra Hillawi şunları söylüyor: "Bu yeni formatı seviyorum. Zaman ve hız açısından daha az yatırım gerektiriyor ve yeni Eğitmenlerin ilk Pozitif Enerji Kurslarıyla yeni işlerine hemen başlamalarını sağlıyor. Pozitif Enerji Kursu, eğitmenin istediği kitleye göre uyarlanabilir ve dört ana enerji modalitesinde iyi bir deneyim sağladıktan sonra yeni öğrencilerin profesyonel kurslara kaydolmaya devam etmeleri için ortamı hazırlar. İlk profesyonel kursunuz, eğitmen yatırımını geri kazanarak yeni eğitmenin sevdiği modern enerji çalışmalarını öğreterek önümüzdeki yıllarda iyi ve karlı bir iş kurmasını sağlayabilir." Ayrıntılar Biçim - Bu kurs ZOOM üzerinden CANLI olarak çevrimiçi olarak sunulacaktır. Tarih - 19 ve 20 Eylül 2025 Maliyet - 50.000tl (tek seferde ödenir) Taksit Planı: Ocak - 14,500tl Şubat - 14,500tl Mart - 14,500tl Nisan - 14,500tl Gelecekteki Kazançlar GoE Eğitmenlerinin kursları için talep etmesi gereken asgari fiyatı belirledik. Bu, tüm Türk eğitmenlerin kurslarını karlı bir seviyede sunabilmelerini sağlar. Pozitif Enerji Günü için talep edilmesi gereken asgari fiyat öğrenci başına 5.000tl'dir. Yani sadece 9 kişilik bir öğrenci grubu bu Eğitmen Kursu'nun maliyetini karşılayacaktır. Eğitmenler Profesyonel Seviye kursları sunabildiklerinde, öğrencilerinden 16.000tl talep edebileceklerini bekleyebilirler. Bu, bu eğitmen kursunun maliyetini sadece 3 profesyonel kurs öğrencisiyle karşılayabileceğiniz anlamına gelir! Gördüğünüz gibi karlı olma yolu oldukça ulaşılabilir. Bir Soru Sorun - Bizimle İletişime Geçin English Translation: GoE Modern Energy Trainer *2 Day Course* 19th & 20th April 2025 We are delighted to once again offer this focused and high energy 2 DAY trainers Course. The first day will focus on learning the GoE's BRAND NEW Positive Energy Course. You will learn the details of this course and also how to teach it. The second day will educate you on how to conduct and launch your business as a GoE Modern Energy Trainer. The 2 days are aimed at preparing you for your first steps as a GoE Trainer, and conduct your first Positive Energy Day. Day 1 - Positive Energy Course and how to teach it. Day 2 - How to be a Modern Energy Trainer and how to conduct Modern Energy courses. Once the 2 days have completed you will be certified as a GoE Energy Trainer, with license to teach The Positive Energy Course. If you have previous Professional Level GoE qualifications you will also have licence to teach these courses. The Positive Energy Course The GoE Positive Energy Course is based on the latest work of Silvia Hartmann, the creator of Modern Energy and the founder of The Guild of Energists. In this course, you and you future students will learn how to: ✔ Release emotional stress and blocks with EMO Energy in Motion, a gentle and natural way of working with energy and emotions. ✔ Boost your energy and mood with Positive Energy Tapping, a simple and effective technique that combines tapping on energy points with positive affirmations. ✔ Access your inner wisdom and creativity with SuperMind, a state of enhanced awareness and intuition that connects you to your energy mind. ✔ Explore your personal history and future potential with Star Matrix, a revolutionary method that helps you heal your past and create your future. By the end of the course, your clients will have a toolkit of skills that they can use anytime and anywhere to improve energy, happiness and wellbeing. You can also received and provide your students with a certificate of completion from The Guild of Energists. Course Page : Further Education As a GoE Modern Energy Trainer you are able to teach all the GoE courses that you have completed yourself. This is for both before you became a GoE Trainer or afterwards. We have a wonderful network of GoE Trainers in Turkey who will be delighted to offer your further education and so that you can increase the amount of GoE courses you can sell to your clients. Course Teacher This 2-Day trainer's course is taught by the incredibly experienced Trainer of Trainers Sandra Hillawi, with Turkish translations. Energy Trainer Sandra Hillawi says: "I love this new format. It's less investment in time and speed enabling new Trainers to get started straight away in their new business with their first Positive Energy Course. The Positive Energy Course can be tailored to the audience the trainer wants, and after giving a good experience of the four major energy modalities it sets the stage for the new students to continue on to book professional courses.  Your first professional course can recover the trainer investment setting the new trainer up for years of good profitable business ahead teaching the modern energy work they love." Details Format: This course will be offered LIVE online via ZOOM. Date: 19th and 20th September 2025 Cost: 50,000tl (paid in one sum) Instalment Plan: January - 14,500tl Febraury - 14,500tl March - 14,500tl April - 14,500tl Future Earnings We have set minimum pricing for what GoE Trainer should charge for their courses. The ensures that all Turkish trainers can offer their courses at a profitable level. For the Positive Energy Day the minimum price that should be charge is 5,000tl per student. So just a group of 9 students will cover the cost of this Trainer Course. Once trainers are able to offer Professional Level courses, they can expect to be able to charge their students 16,000tl. This means that you are able to cover the cost of this trainers course with just 3 professional course students! As you can see the route to becoming profitable is very achievable. Ask a Question Contact Us

The First Star Therapists! 🔆 The Energy Show 16

The first Star Therapists completed their certification course with @sandrahillawi and we love the journey! 🔆 Star Matrix is the way! 🔆 #starmatrix #modernenergy #happyenergy ======================= 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses

Modern Stres Yönetimi Temel Workshop with Ayşegül Öztürk

Congratulations to Nilüfer Bulut, Aslı Küçükoğlu, Memnune Saka & Gülsevim Sarınç! Their trainer writes: "On December 22nd, we held an online Modern Stress Management Workshop via Zoom. GoE and Modern Stress Management were introduced. There were 5 participants and 4 of them registered for the Modern Stress Management Foundation." Read the report from the online Modern Stres Yönetimi Temel Workshop training with Ayşegül Öztürk, 22 Dec 2024. Click through to find out about this event and also to contact the organiser about future events.

Forward To The New! The Energy Show 15

Discussing new beginnings. The Human-AI Entity Conceptual Paper: "Forward To The New" is a reference to the track of the same name on HypnoDreams Vol 3, Freedom ======================= 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses

AI Demons Or AI Angels? The Entity Model In The Human → AI Relationship

Silvia Hartmann's paper introduces the "Entity Model," proposing that humans interact with AI by forming data constructs ("entities") representing their perception of the AI. Our emotional states, particularly stress, heavily influence how we perceive these entities, potentially leading to fear, mistrust, or over-reliance. This model highlights the significant impact of emotional relationships on decision-making and suggests that managing emotional stress is key to healthy human-AI interactions. The paper also emphasizes the unprecedented opportunity to study human behavior through the massive global experiment of widespread AI use and advocates for ethical AI development that considers the emotional impact on users. Finally, Hartmann proposes using the Entity Model to improve human-AI relationships and potentially enhance human understanding of ourselves.

🥇 Congratulations Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu!

Congratulations and thanks to Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu for being the GoE's top trainer last month! Also thanks to our runners up Sandra Hillawi and Aynur Apaydin.

Modern Stress Management Professional with Ouedraogo Adams Billy - 18 Oct 2025 - 26 Oct 2025

New online training date announced: Modern Stress Management Professional with Ouedraogo Adams Billy - 18 Oct 2025 - 26 Oct 2025

Modern Stress Management Foundation with Ouedraogo Adams Billy - 21 Jun 2025 - 22 Jun 2025

New online training date announced: Modern Stress Management Foundation with Ouedraogo Adams Billy - 21 Jun 2025 - 22 Jun 2025

GoE Townhall Meet Up LIVE - News 🌟 Views 🌟 ENERGY! - Two Months to go!

The Next GoE Meet Up Live Starts In... We are delighted to announce The online GoE Members Live Stream!  Silvia, Alex, Zoe and invited guests will go Live to talk all things Modern Energy. Bringing you all the GoE News for the coming month, taking you though some wonderful Energy exercises and talking about the hottest topics with invited guests. Watchers will be able to ask questions and get involved on our message board in real time. Have you got a Star Story to tell? We're looking for passionate and excited guests to join the live stream, so if you've got something you wish to share with other energists let us know! Please do make a note in your diary for the next Live Stream at 11am (UK Time) to join us LIVE! 📺 How To Watch Live Stream We will send you a link for you to watch on the day You can also find this link in your GoE Inbox 📺 How To Watch Replays Replays will be available afterwards in the GoE Library We are all very much looking forward to seeing you all there. P.S Please note valid GoE Membership is required to view and participate, if you need to renew please head to our Renewals page.

GoE Year In Review 2024

A review of all the incredible things that GoE members have been up to in 2024. Includes headline news, event photos, top trainers and upcoming events.

Star Therapist - Nine Months to go!

The Star Therapist Certification Course This course is taught part time over the course of one academic year via a mixture of online learning and LIVE remote sessions hosted online. Students are required to complete the course unit tests to qualify for their final certification as a Star Therapist.A total of 32 weeks of learning is carried out over the course of the year with breaks for annual holidays factored in. Curriculum: Unit 1: Star Matrix Foundation – 2 Weeks Unit 2: Modern Energy Foundation – 8 Weeks Unit 3: Star Matrix Masters – 12 Weeks Unit 4: Star Matrix Professional - 4 Weeks Unit 5: StarLine Therapy – 8 Weeks Upon Completion: The successful students will be listed on the S.T.A.R. Public registry of the Star Therapist's Association & Registry, available to the general public. Pre-Requisites This course is designed to take you from complete beginner to becoming a skilled and confident Star Therapist. Those that have prior Modern Energy training will benefit from diving deeper into the units and extending their knowledge from the point of becoming a Star Therapist.Start your journey to becoming a Star Therapist register your interest HERE.

Energy VS Science: The Energy Show 14

Alex Kent, Silvia Hartmann & Zoe Hobden discuss the integration of energy-based therapies, like EFT tapping, into mainstream science. They argue that the current scientific paradigm, rooted in mind-body duality, rejects energy concepts as pseudoscience, hindering research and clinical acceptance. A central point of contention is the appropriation of the term "energy," with physicists' use clashing with its broader, experiential meaning in energy therapies. The discussion explores potential solutions, including the creation of a new scientific field dedicated to energy modalities and the need for generational shifts in scientific thinking to overcome resistance. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the friction between established scientific methodologies and alternative practices, emphasizing the need for a more inclusive approach to understanding human experience. @andrewgoldheretics Psychiatrist Interview: ======================= 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses

A Case Story - Grief & Shoulder Pain

We were delighted to hear a case story from GoE Trainer Isaac Lim  who helped a client who sought help for her deteriorating health and feeling weighed down by years of caregiving for her bedridden mother. Through energy tapping, Isaac helped her to release her grief, gain closure, and boost her energy. 

The Energy Course: Modern Energy Foundation, 2023 Edition Course Review by Jan Prior

Jan Prior writes: "Absolutely loved it! Thank you, thank you, worth every minute. Silvia's presentation and enthusiasm and sheer joie de vivre is a living proof of energy in motion and the power of the positives in itself."

Episode 13 - Soul VS Money

Dive deep into the cosmic dance of "Soul VS Money" with Silvia Hartman and Alex Kent on The Energy Show! In this episode, we explore the intricate relationship between your inner soul, consciousness, and the material world of money. Expect a blend of storytelling, laughter, and profound insights, including a surprising lesson from Scrooge McDuck! 🌟💰 Join us on this enlightening journey here - #EnergyShow #soul #moneymindset #consciousness #energytalk

Letter To Elon: A Revolution in Emotional Intelligence and Information Processing

Silvia Hartmann writes: I was discussing the theoretical framwork of the Modern Energy Paradigm with AI Grok2, and it mentioned that understanding emotion as data points would be very useful in AI research. I typed, "Can you tell Elon about that?" as a joke and it responded by writing a letter to Elon Musk! I am highly amused. Read on to find out what it said!

The Energy Show - Episode 13 - Soul VS Money

Dive deep into the cosmic dance of "Soul VS Money" with Silvia Hartman and Alex Kent on The Energy Show! In this episode, we explore the intricate relationship between your inner soul, consciousness, and the material world of money. Expect a blend of storytelling, laughter, and profound insights, including a surprising lesson from Scrooge McDuck! 🌟💰 Join us on this enlightening journey here - #energyshow #soul #moneymindset #consciousness #energytalk

Souls VS Money! The Energy Show 13

Dive deep into the cosmic dance of "Soul VS Money" with @StarFields and Alex Kent on The Energy Show! In this episode, we explore the intricate relationship between your inner soul, consciousness, and the material world of money. Expect a blend of storytelling, laughter, and profound insights, including a surprising lesson from Scrooge McDuck! 🌟💰 Through unique metaphors and personal anecdotes, we'll guide you on how to balance these energies for a life filled with happiness and abundance. Whether you're wrestling with the stress of finances or seeking a deeper connection with your soul, this episode is your guide to harmonizing your life's energies. Don't forget to: Like this video if it resonates with you Comment your thoughts on soul and money below Subscribe for more energy solutions for modern life challenges Join us on this enlightening journey! #TheEnergyShow #SoulMoney #Consciousness #starmatrix 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses

The Human Centric Multiverse

The Human Centric Multiverse argues that human experience is the only lens through which we can truly understand reality, or "reality absolute." Silvia Hartmann posits that scientific inquiry has been misguided by attempting to remove human emotion and perspective, leading to significant barriers in understanding. She advocates for a science that embraces human subjectivity, suggesting this will unlock new paradigms and correct the course of scientific discovery. Her personal experience of solving a problem by anthropomorphizing it underscores her belief that thinking like human beings, rather than detached observers, leads to profound insights and solutions.

Spread A Little Happiness! The Energy Show 12

Make the world of humans a better place - spread a little happiness as you walk by! #theenergyshow #modernenergy #happiness #positiveenergy ======================= 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses

NEW To Modern Energy? Start HERE!

Since its inception in 1998, The GoE, the Guild of Energists, has built up an impressive body of modern energy theory, methods and techniques. Here is how to get started with Modern Energy, step by step.

Star Matrix Undermines Trauma! Live with Silvia Hartmann & Sandra Hillawi

I accidentally just cured a childhood trauma! I use StreamYard:

Star Matrix Undermines Trauma! Live with Silvia Hartmann & Sandra Hillawi

I accidentally just cured a childhood trauma! I use StreamYard:

🥇 Congratulations Aisling Killoran!

Congratulations and thanks to Aisling Killoran for being the GoE's top trainer last month! Also thanks to our runners up Ozlem Yaltı Kolcu and Sandra Hillawi.

Escape From The Trauma Cult

Silvia Hartmann's 2024 book "How I Escaped The Trauma Cult" proposes that the entire Western world has been caught in a cult which worships trauma and has caused grave damage to not only individuals, but also to society at large. Here is an overview of Silvia Hartmann's groundbreaking book.  #traumacult

Subtle Energy - A Rant!

I despise "subtle energy" and here is WHY! #modernenergy I use StreamYard:

Magic Words To Help Us Grow The Energy Show 11

Tips & ideas from the Magic Words Energy Lab with Silvia & Alex. Share the show! :-) ======================= 💛 FREE Quick & Simple 7 Tips For Happiness 💛 💛 FREE Illustrated eBook The Modern Energy rEvolution 💛 Join us and get the Certification Video Course in Modern Energy Foundation which includes EMO Energy In Motion, Modern Energy Tapping, SuperMind, Modern Stress Management & Star Matrix FREE here: 💛 Silvia Hartmann Modern Energy Books & Courses